Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The Most Hilariously Painful Thing ~ Pryaska Goorhoo

photo credit: Himalayas Mountain Flight via photopin (license)

Life is the most hilariously painful thing.
It fills every single one of our cells with pain and pleasure.
It sort of also envelopes our thoughts into a hard, solid rock.
Like the Himalayas last winter and the very day
Where everything that had been blue, now turned to white.
Right at this moment, autumn is a dead old tree
Waiting for the finger-like, six-sided projections to cover each leaf.
Autumn is where the leaves dance from the branches to a melancholy tune-
Just like the notes in my head, the painful yet pleasurable memories.
That one scent, mood and atmosphere - all it brings with it is sadness
Sometimes even just a blatant mockery.
Despair, distraughtness - the emptiness of life.
The emptiness of life, The North Pole, vast landscapes of nothing more than plain snow
Unproductive, distant and cold.
And I hope that with every single life lived on this planet,
It is so much more than that - unproductive, distant and cold.

© Pryaska Goorhoo

Grade 10