Tuesday, 22 September 2015

I am Sorry ~ Thandeka Mthembu

Sorry I tried to bring you glee
too bad its not with me
you wanted to be..
Sorry that you never on my mind
since you lost what I thought I'd find

I am sorry for all the flaws
Sorry for how perfect I
find my imperfections
I am sorry I just spoke too soon
of how I loved..
Loved and adored you
I am sorry you used to provide
me with joy..
Joy that could take anyone to the moon
Sorry I couldn't join the cue
but instead you made me apart of your crew.

I am sorry for all the love
so sweet I tried to give
but all I hold onto now is my bitter treat.
I am sorry for you I could not wait
with each passing day love turned into hate
Sorry for that fateful day
I coughed up the courage to ask
but your silence my smile did unmask..
sorry I had to walk away
because after that day I could not stay
For this I am truly sorry..

©  Thandeka Mthembu

Grade 10