Wednesday 10 April 2019

The Earth of a Fallen Star ~ Nkazimulo Mvemve

She flies with the enthusiasm and eagerness of exploration.
She is curious as to where she will land, but with excitement
so passionate and pure she is self guided.
Through the darkened empty matter surrounding everything,
she shines and brightens her space like a flash of lightning,
she is happy and content in her freedom.

He wonders on dust, trending on the pathway
where footsteps were non-existent.
He flourishes in his own thoughts, drowning...
trying to think of a life beyond his own,
a life better than the comfort of his black and deserted body...
He is not lost nor found, let it be he...
thrives in his solitary environment, joyous and in felicity he doesn't need anything but himself.

They are oblivious to their existence, fate may it be
or ignorant luck, they were brought closer
and to disaster of their own lives, he does not understand
with his primitive mind, she cannot see, when blinded by the dust.

"Who is that?" and  "Why are they here?"
An image of the falls in between the empty space
and a glimpse of the light brightens his world...
For the first time he can see beyond the choking darkness around him.
She sees flesh eating away at the light...
The dark mass moving without life, without purpose...
Moving into the light but absorbing it.

©  Nkazimulo Mvemve
