Thursday 14 May 2020

Rockery, Zodiac, Intimacies ~ Uwais Coetzee


Beside the garden,
in the yard of where my peace is built.
The rockery of pieces that build up who I was.
Pieces of me, pieces of pain,
hurt, love, hate and my soulful breakings
that all build up a place from which I gain life.
Our purpose is to be at peace
and peace is attained by loving who we once were.


To aspire, to shine,
 to be a light in an existence shadowed
by the ones who aren't.
 Looking down at the ocean,
the blankets of waves we're ever so drawn to.
 Looking up to the skies of zodiac
and lights of the space we know nothing about.
Galaxies we've never seen, places we've never been
but the celestial draws us up to a place we dream of being.
People find any reason,
any micro-excuse not to be where they belong.
We find words to back up our spineless fear of living life.
Life lives whether we do or not so we may as well.
Shine. Live. Look down and look up but never wish to be anywhere else but here.
Never fear.


People strive for feelings.
Touching a face you love,
grasping a hand you tenderly need
more than you gasp for the air we breathe.
We want physicality more than the love beyond it
because it validates our need for intimacy.
Our need to know that we have love.
Our need to know another warm bodied person
that knows the pain you know,
another person who knows the cuts that cut you too, loves.
A person that could have not loved you, does.
We value physicality more than intellectuality and spirituality
because we can't feel those.
We know them.
We value things we can feel more
than anything we could ever know
but they are intertwined and you never knew it.
You can't know spiritual understanding unless it's love.
You can't know intellectual love until you know love.
You cant love anything you could find.
Nothing comes close to the intimacies of the mind.

© Uwais Coetzee

Matric 2018