Sunday 5 July 2020

An Open letter to Nobody in Particular ~ Uwais Coetzee

Phrases in motion continue to be spoken to ears that feel no remorse for ignoring pleas. Eyes drift, hearts beat, and feet keep shaking bodies from succumbing to gravity and pain working in tandem to bring us to the earth. You see, life never waited for you and I. “Time waits for no one” and so I write letters to no one in particular hoping that time wait for them to be read. Your mind may race. Your feelings may be potent. Your ideas could be revolutionary. “Time waits for no one.” No matter how gutting it may be. Whether tears roll or shoulders shake, your eyes may be swollen, and your hands chafed from wiping salt from your face. Your soul may be trying to sell itself for liberation and your heart beats itself up every day without another heart taking pity upon it. Regardless of all these things the rain continues to fall even when you do not see it.

© Uwais Coetzee

Matriculant 2018