Friday 20 March 2020

i remember ~ Andrew Allan

[in memory of JUSTIN MAREE a friend]

                                                                                             i remember our fun times together
from first to our last
memories forbidden from being disremembered
a declaration established by philotes herself
for we were friends meant to be
no matter time apart nor count of words pronounced

i remember searching for and painting pinecones
during each occasion hypnos had lost his clasp on us
as we were raiders uncovering our latest catch
artists crafting our supreme masterpiece
heroes leaving legends in that very daycares walls

I remember descending wet grassy hills on cardboard
during the prepared appearance of zeus
impersonating snowboarders
snowboarders we so desperately desired to be

i remember comparing and sharing games
like spies distributing secrets from within the matrix
while loki chuckled at our adjacent

i remember experimenting on our skateboards
with hermes influencing us to reach unattainable speeds

i remember watching over you from a distance

 © andrew allan


Grade 12